Community Group Resources

Community Group First 8-Weeks Launch Curriculum

CBC has written a Launch Curriculum for the first 8-weeks of your new community group! (Most groups receive this after completing Group Link and starting their new group.) If you'd like to receive copies for your group, email us at [email protected]

Community Group Annual Health Assessment

In the same way an annual physical with your doctor helps your body stay healthy and strong, our Community Group Annual Health Assessment will help your spiritual life (and group!) stay healthy and strong. Our hope is that every group will pause and reflect once a year to celebrate what God is doing in the group and identify areas where you can “excel still more” (1 Thess. 4:10) To have your group take this 9-question assessment, email [email protected] and your CBC Community Group representative (Coach, staff member, or Pastor) will assist you with next steps.

Community Group Leader Guide

Become A Community Group Leader!

We're always looking for humble and servant-hearted men and women to serve as Community Group Leaders. Below you'll find our 4-Step Process for pursuing Community Group Leadership at CBC. If you have any questions, please email [email protected] .

1. Welcome Home - learn more about the mission and vision of CBC and become a member. Click here to register.

2. Community Group Leader Application and Interview - our chance to hear more about your journey with Jesus and your chance to learn more of expectations of being a Community Group Leader at CBC. Click here to begin.

3. Leader Track 101 - church-wide training for anyone interested in pursuing leadership at CBC. We'll cover CBC's values, ministry philosophy, and key doctrine. Click here to register.

4. Leader Track 201 - specific one-time training for new Community Group Leaders at CBC that provides practical training and development for leading your new group. Click here to register. 

Curriculum Suggestions & Resources


A great way to grow deeper spiritually together as a community group is to take one of our Core classes together. CORE is CBC's training center made up of 10 classes, which are available for anyone. These classes are designed for believers to grow and develop as Christ-followers in a way that is consistent with our “UP, IN, and OUT” model by shepherding believers in three foundational areas.

  • UP: Biblical Foundation
  • IN: Spiritual Formation
  • OUT: Mission and Ministry

For more information on upcoming Core Classes, visit


CBC has purchased a membership for you and your community group to RightNow Media! RightNow Media is an online resource with access to thousands of videos and studies for you and your group. To sign up, visit:


Each weekend CBC produces a sermon-based community group discussion guide. This guide includes the notes from the weekend message, as well as questions designed for community group discussions. To be added to this list, email: [email protected].


Book Recs


  • Breathe Again, Dr. Ed Newton
  • Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life and Study Guide, Donald Whitney
  • Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God, Blackaby and King (workbook)
  • Experiencing God's Story, Scott Duvall
  • Growing in Christ, NavPress (and Growing Strong in God's Family, NavPress)


  • 30 Days to Understanding the Bible, Max Anders
  • John MacArthur Bible Studies - various books of the Bible
  • The New Inductive Study Series, Kay Arthur
  • Living By the Book - The Art and Science of Reading the Bible, Howard Hendricks
  • NLT Study Series - Genesis, John, Romans, James


  • The Gospel-Centered Community, Robert Thune, Will Walker
  • Unoffendable, Brant Hansen
  • Accidental Pharisees, Larry Osborne.


  • The Meaning of Marriage, Tim Keller
  • Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Des- perately Needs, Emerson Eggerichs
  • You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity, Francis and Lisa Chan


  • Shepherding a Child's Heart, Tedd Tripp
  • Christ-Centered Parenting, Russell Moore
  • Sacred Parenting, Gary Thomas


  • Play the Man, Mark Batterson
  • Stepping Up: A Call to Courageous Manhood, Dennis Rainey
  • Manhood Restored, Eric Mason
  • The Purity Principle, Randy Alcorn
  • Men of Courage, Larry Crabb (formerly titled The Silence of Adam)


  • Lies Women Believe, Nancy Leigh DeMoss
  • Calm My Anxious Heart, Linda Dillow
  • Every Woman's Battle, Shannon Ethridge
  • So Long Insecurity, Beth Moore


  • Family On Mission, Mike and Sally Breen
  • Younique, Will Mancini
  • When Helping Hurts: The Small Group Experience, Corbett, Fikkert
  • Tactics, Greg Koukl
  • Reimagining Evangelism, Rick Richardson


  • Hero Maker, Dave Ferguson & Warren Bird
  • The 100x Leader, Jeremie Kubicek & Steve Cockram
  • 5 Voices, Jeremie Kubicek & Steve Cockram