Foundational Growth Series

Foundational Growth Series

The Foundational Growth Series consists of 4 studies by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend: Changes That Heal, Boundaries, Hiding From Love, and Safe People, and its purpose is to use sound biblical principles to create a warm, caring, and trusting atmosphere where healing can occur and lives can be changed. The Foundational Growth series are closed, 13-week groups. Once a group has been established, no new members will be added for that semester. 

Group Descriptions

Changes that Heal

(Dr. Henry Cloud) – The Bible States that we’re created in the image of God. But why don’t we see a “family resemblance?” The problem, says Dr. Cloud, is underdeveloped “tasks” of maturing: bonding, separating from others, sorting out good and bad, and becoming an adult. Discover, in this 13-week closed, small group, what changes to make to promote emotional and relational healing.

Information regarding registration will appear here once available.

  • Groups start January 28
  • The first class is mandatory and will include orientation.


(Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend) – Are you in control of your life? Often, people focus so much on being loved that they forget their limits. In this 13-week closed, small group setting, you will discover that Drs. Cloud and Townsend unpack the ten laws of boundaries, showing you how to bring health and happiness into your relationships.

Information regarding registration will appear here once available.

The next offering of Boundaries will be in the Fall of 2025.

Hiding from Love

(Dr. John Townsend) – In this study 13-week closed, small group setting, Dr. Townsend, the author of Hiding From Love, helps you explore the hiding patterns you’ve developed in dealing with your emotions and guides you toward the healing grace and truth that God has built into safe, connected relationships.

Information regarding registration will appear here once available.

The next offering of Hiding From Love will be in the Fall of 2025.

Safe People

(Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend) – Do your “people connections” lift you up or drag you down? If you often make “wrong” choices in love, work, or friendships, you can learn to find people who are good for you! This 13 week closed, small group will help you identify traits of untrustworthy people, offer practical strategies for forming healthy associations, and reveal things about yourself that jeopardize relationships.

Information regarding registration will appear here once available.

  • Groups start January 28
  • The first class is mandatory and will include orientation.

The vision for CBC support groups is: “By using sound biblical principles, we create a warm, caring, and trusting group atmosphere where healing can occur and lives can be changed.”

The series consists of 4 studies by Dr. Henry Cloud and/or Dr. John Townsend:

1) Changes That Heal (Dr Henry Cloud)—The Bible states that we're created in God's image. But why don't we see a "family resemblance"? The problem, says Dr. Cloud, is underdeveloped "tasks" of maturing: bonding, separating from others, sorting out good and bad, and becoming an adult. Discover, in this 13-week closed, small group, what changes to make to promote emotional and relational healing.

2) Boundaries (Dr Henry Cloud & Dr John Townsend) - Are you controlling your life? Often, people focus so much on being loved that they forget their limits. In this 13-week closed, small group setting, you will

discover that Drs. Cloud and Townsend unpack the ten laws of boundaries, showing you how to bring health and happiness into your relationships.

3) Hiding From Love (Dr John Townsend) - In this 13-week closed, small group, Dr. John Townsend helps you to explore the hiding patterns you've developed in dealing with your emotions and guides you toward the

healing grace and truth that God has built into safe, connected relationships.

4) Safe People (Dr Henry Cloud & Dr John Townsend) - Do your "people connections" lift you up or drag you down? If you often make "wrong" choices in love, work, or friendships, you can learn to find people who are good for you! This 13-week closed, small group will identify traits of untrustworthy people, offer practical strategies for forming healthy associations, and reveal things about yourself that jeopardize relationships.

No. The primary focus of a Bible study is to understand God and His truths by reading, considering, and discussing scripture. On the other hand, the Foundational Growth Series is based on scripture but focuses on the application of Biblical truths that result in relational and spiritual healing and growth. Scripture is included in these studies to reveal and emphasize Biblical basis. Homework, videos, and discussions are aimed at using grace, truth, and time to plant wisdom in your head and spiritual maturity in your heart.

  • What materials are used in the studies?

Each study uses videos, books, and workbooks. Participants must purchase books (paper version) and workbooks. Videos are presented at regularly scheduled sessions, and all videos except those for “Boundaries” are available on the “RightNow Media” website (participants are given access to that site). Participants are also encouraged to have a small notebook (since we have no tables, consider a 3-ring binder or something similar for ease of use during each session) to record notes during the videos and record answers to workbook questions if insufficient space is provided in the workbook.

  • May I use electronic media in the small group (e.g., for my book or Bible)?

No. Only paper materials are permitted in groups. However, some participants obtain electronic versions of books in addition to their paper versions to use outside of groups (e.g., to listen to in their cars).

  • May I share information with the group from other sources (e.g., leaflets, invitations, etc.)?

No. The only materials that can be distributed and/or used in the studies are the videos, books, workbooks, Bibles, and items provided by the Director.

  • What are the qualifications for taking a study?

“Changes That Heal” must be completed at CBC before taking any of the other studies. The other three may be taken in any sequence, but the recommended sequence is Boundaries, Hiding From Love, and Safe People. Participants do not need to be members of CBC.

  • What is considered ‘completion’ of a study?

You are expected to attend all sessions of any FGS study. There are 14 sessions for “Changes That Heal”, and 13 sessions for each of the other three studies. Failure to attend the opening session of any study disqualifies you from continuing that semester. Excessive absenteeism or chronic tardiness (15 minutes late constitutes an absence) will also result in removal from the study for that semester. Participants with a third absence are automatically removed and encouraged to attend a subsequent semester.

  • May I repeat a study?

Yes. It is common to repeat a study, especially “Changes That Heal” (where periodic re-taking is encouraged). First-time participants will have registration priority over participants who have already completed that study.

  • When are the studies offered?

There are usually three semesters yearly (spring, summer, and fall). “Changes That Heal” and “Boundaries” are commonly (but not always) offered each semester. All studies are offered at least once per year.

  • What is expected of me in my study group?

At the beginning of the study, you will review a “CBC Care & Support Group Covenant,” which addresses many of the expectations in five areas: Commitment, Listening, Confidentiality, Sharing, and Honoring/Respecting Others. Additional expectations are addressed during the registration process, on opening night, and during the study. At the beginning of each study, the members of each group sign a copy of the “Covenant” to reflect their responsibility and accountability to each other.

  • What is the definition of “group,” and what is a “closed” group?

Our groups usually consist of about 10 or less participants and a Facilitator. FGS groups are considered “closed” groups, which means that no one can join after the group starts on Week One. During registration, you will be asked if you would like to be placed in a same-gender or co-ed group or if you have no preference. While we do our best to accommodate your request, there is no guarantee you will receive your preference. People who were initially hesitant to be in a co-ed group expressed appreciation for being able to hear from the opposite gender. Assignments to a group are done prior to your arrival at the first meeting.

  • How much time should I expect to spend doing homework each week?

It varies, but expect to spend about 5 hours per week reading and answering workbook questions.

  • How will I be expected to participate with others in the group during sessions?

The “Covenant” covers this topic in depth. These studies are provided to promote spiritual and relational growth, and responsible sharing is a key element of that growth process.

  • When I share my ‘thoughts’ in my group, is it kept confident?

Yes. Confidentiality in your group is one of our highest priorities. The “Covenant” is designed to help you share openly without fear of someone repeating your story outside of your group; adherence to the covenant is strictly enforced. You will quickly discover that your group is a safe place to share your story, and you can be transparent with others in your group.

  • Will I need an email account to participate in the study?

Yes. Nearly all communications to participants are via email (from the Director, your facilitator, etc.). If you don’t have access to email, you must have someone handle emails on your behalf.

When is registration?

Spring (January - April) registration begins in December

Summer (May - August) registration begins in April

Fall (September - December) registration begins in August

NOTE: Registration remains open until capacity is reached.

Interested in Learning more about the Foundational Growth Series?

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