
A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you’ll discover what to expect in the days ahead and what’s “normal” in grief. Since there are no neat, orderly stages of grief, you’ll learn helpful ways of coping with grief, in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way.

Tuesday Evening Groups start January 28, 2025 at 6:30 pm

Thursday Morning Groups start January 30, 2025 at 10:00 am

Registration links below

GriefShare FAQs

The purpose of the GriefShare is to equip grieving individuals with the tools and structure to encourage and support them through the grief process.

This course is intended for those who have experienced the loss of an individual in their lives. While we understand grief can occur with the loss of a pet, a job, a diagnosis, etc., the course we are following is designed specifically for the actual loss of a loved one. We know your grief is real and we can feel your pain with you, our GriefShare program is not structured to accommodate those who have not lost a loved one. However, if you have a loved one in a hospice situation, Alzheimer’s facility, nursing home, etc, we will be glad to help you find one-on-one counseling.

If your loss is an infant, we recommend Share Ministry ([email protected] ) through University United Methodist Church, 5084 DeZavala Rd. You can reach them by phone at 210-696-1033

No. The primary focus of a Bible Study is to understand God and His truths by reading, considering, and discussing scripture. On the other hand, GriefShare is based on the scripture but focuses on life-application of Biblical truths that support and encourage you towards healing and growth. Scripture is included in these studies to reveal and emphasize Biblical basis. Homework, videos, and discussion are aimed at using grace, truth, and time to plant wisdom in your head and spiritual maturity in you heart.

Topics discussed in GriefShare include understanding your emotions, the effects of grief on our physical, spiritual and emotional well-being, goals for moving through grief, relationships, common beliefs, misconceptions and complications of grief, and heaven.

  • What is considered 'completion' of a study?

You are encouraged to attend all 13 sessions of any GS study. If you have lost a spouse, there is an additional study “Loss of a Spouse” that is provided prior to the 13 week sessions. Participants are asked to attend at least 3 of the sessions before deciding not attend in order to properly evaluate the benefits of this experience.

  • May I repeat GriefShare?

Yes. It is common to repeat GriefShare. You are always welcome to join our group to receive the support and encouragement you may need from time to time in your grief journey.

  • What materials are used in the studies?

GriefShare uses a video seminar and a workbook. Participants must purchase a personal workbook. The video seminar is presented at regularly scheduled sessions. Participants are encouraged to use the video outline to record notes during the video. During the week, participants will find short, daily exercises to help them sort through their emotions and personal situation and to help find comfort and answers to their questions. Participants are also encouraged to have a small notebook for personal journaling. “A Season of Grief,” a free daily email message designed to encourage and guide through the healing process is available at e-mails.

  • May I use electronic media in the small group (e.g., for my Bible)?
No. Only paper materials are permitted in groups. Bible verses are written out in your workbook and on the video. However, some participants obtain an electronic audio version of the GriefShare video seminar to use outside of the group. It is available for purchase at

  • How much time should I expect to spend doing homework each week?

It varies, but expect to spend about 30 to 45 minutes daily in the From Mourning to by exercises, My Weekly Grief Work and personal journaling.

At the beginning of the study you will review a “CBC Care & Support Group Covenant: which addresses many of the expectations in five areas: Commitment, Listening, Confidentiality, Sharing, and Honoring/Respecting Others. Additional expectations are addressed during the registration process, at opening night, and during the study.