Mdwk, 6:45-8pm

Our weekly gatherings for students at our Central Campus. Come worship, build relationships and change our city. Middle school community groups are incorporated into our Wednesday nights.

Follow @weare.cbcstudents on Instagram to see some of our Mdwk content!

Next Up:

CBC Central: August 14 | Welcome to 6th & 9th Grade Night | 6:30-8pm 

Incoming 6th and 9th graders are invited to a special night to welcome them to their next season of student ministry! Parents, you are also invited to come hang out with our student pastors and hear about CBC Students. The parent meeting will be a parent meeting from 7-8pm in E209 at CBC. 

6th Graders: Emmitt Park at CBC | 9th Graders: Central at CBC | Parents: E209 (2nd Floor of Education Bldg.) 

CBC Southside: August 21 | Mdwk Kickoff | 6:30-8pm 

6-12th grade students are invited to join us at our Southside Campus for our fall semester Mdwk Kickoff! 

Welcome to 6th & 9th Grade Night

August 14 | 6:30-8pm | CBC Central Campus 

Students entering 6th or 9th grade (and their parents!) are welcome to attend a special night to be welcomed into this upcoming year of student ministry! 6th graders will be hanging out in Emmitt Park with pizza, inflatables and a time to meet our Middle School Pastor. 9th graders will be hanging out in Central with root beer floats and a Q&A panel featuring upperclassmen students. Parents of incoming 6th or 9th graders, you are welcome to attend a parent meeting in E209 from 7-8pm with our student pastors! Refreshments will be provided for you as well. 


Weekend Services

Sat. 5pm / Sun. 9am, 11:30am, 2pm / Wed. 6:30pm

Our goal for the weekend is that students are engaged in worship with their families & actively with their gifts. Students can serve in areas of our church, such as CBC Kids, Hospitality, or Production.

Sign up to serve as a student→ 

Sunday Nights 

MSM House Parties 5-6:30pm (House Parties will resume on 9/8)

Middle School students meet in homes, called House Parties, around San Antonio once a month to pursue Jesus together and build friendships. 

Connect to a group→

HSM Community Groups 7-8:30pm (Community Groups will resume 9/8)

High School students meet in homes around San Antonio to share life, build relationships, pursue Jesus, and invite friends into family. 

Connect to a group→

We are currently on a break for our House Parties and Community Groups! Text @cbc-hsm or @cbc-msm to the number 81010 to receive a text when we launch back up!


Want to know more about CBC Students? 

Subscribe for parent text updates:

For Middle School Ministry (MSM), text @cbc-msm to '81010' 

For High School Ministry (HSM), text @cbc-hsm to '81010' 

Good News Parenting Podcast

If you are new here, we have a parenting podcast! We want to champion every parent to be the good news of Jesus to their kids in all the ordinary moments of life. Click here to listen to our latest episode→

ALL-STARS: Volunteering

Weekly Serving Opportunities:

HSM CG: Sundays | 7 PM – 8:30 PM

Three Sundays a month, in homes throughout SA!

Mdwk - Impact: Wednesdays | 6:45 PM – 8 PM

High School in Central + Middle School in the Pier.


Pastor - High School


Lead Student Pastor


Pastor - Middle School


Communications & Discipleship Director


MTI Resident

Interested in Learning more about Student Ministry?

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