College +

College +

College+ is a community of 18- to 25-year-olds who are figuring out life together as we follow Jesus. Many people’s college experience and entrance into the marketplace shape who they become in life. We believe that Jesus shows us how to be human, so we are on a journey together of becoming the people whom God made us to be.

Common Ground

Thursdays | 7:00pm - 8:30pm | CBC Central

Common Ground (CG) is a worship gathering for all 18-25 years olds that occurs on Thursday evenings at CBC. This event is a place where young adults can find community and grow in their faith. 

CG in the Summer

We'll take a break from our weekly CG gathering during the months of June and July, but check out our lineup of special CG Summer Late Nights below.

Community Groups

These groups meet in homes throughout the week. Our community groups seek to embody the way of Jesus by doing life together as family on mission. Complete the form below, and someone from the College+ team will be in touch to personally connect you with a group that might be a good fit for you.

Events & Trips

Though the heart of our community life exists in Groups, we also enjoy shared experiences that grow deeper relationships within our community as we navigate this unique season of life together. These experiences include events and trips like: retreats, mission trips, conferences, theology classes, “adulting” classes, and more.

To stay in the loop, see our calendar at the link below, follow us on Instagram (@cbc.collegeplus), or subscribe to receive texting updates (text @cbccplus to 81010). 

Go Groups

Go Groups are the smallest group gatherings (3-5 people), in which we read the Bible together and hold each other accountable to faithfulness to Jesus. If you’d like to join or start a Go Group, first join a community group and talk to your community group leader.


Text updates: Text @cbccplus to 81010

Instagram: @cbc.collegeplus

Facebook: @cbc.collegeplus

Email: [email protected]

Staff & Contact

Pastor - College



MTI Resident


Axcess Coordinator


College+ Intern

Interested in Learning more about College+?

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