Senior Adults


For our Senior Adults at CBC, we strive to provide a community for everyone through several opportunities. A one stop shop to stay in the know of all that is happening in our Senior Adult Ministry is to sign up for the monthly newsletter. If you would like to begin receiving the monthly newsletter contact:

Community Groups

Life is better together! Community Groups at CBC are an excellent way for you to grow deeper in your relationship with God and to be known and cared for in a spiritual family. We believe that life-change happens best in the context of relationships, and our hope is that every person can find a smaller environment where your name and needs are known. One of CBC’s four values is to Build Kingdom Family and Community Groups serve as a primary vehicle to help us accomplish that vision. 

We have Senior Adult Groups among many others! To find a list of open Community Groups, search our Group Finder tool below! 


Volunteers are without question, one of the most valued assets to CBC! We are always looking for dedicated, caring individuals like you to assist us as your time allows. A fantastic opportunity to get connected as a volunteer is to serve one of our many ministries: Kids, Students, Sports, Community Group Leader, Tech Arts, Guest Relations, Care & Support, and the list goes on and on. The first step to volunteering is going through Equip, which is our 3-week process to help you hear the mission and heart of CBC, discover your spiritual gifts, and join a team! Click below to begin the Equip journey.


Central Teams Pastor

Interested in Learning more about the Senior Adult Ministry?

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